So its been a while since I have blogged anything...It really takes a special person to sit and blog everyday...and unfortunately I am NOT one of them...
So this week...and for the past 2 semesters at PBU...I have learned a lot about friends...there are good ones, there are bad ones...ones that laugh at funny jokes, and ones that are the funny jokes. (Special shout out to Biggs.) Haha but seriously...there comes a time when all the joking and the hanging out turns into something else. It turns into a tightly knit group of guys that have each others backs, and really would do anything for each other. Now...I'm almost positive that this kind of thing doesn't happen with girls because they can't stay friends for longer than 10 minutes at a time. But there is just something about having those friends that you know that no matter what, you can go to them, and be brutally honest and they will listen, give you feedback, and best of all, still be friends with you, no matter what the circumstances are. I, fortunately, find myself with several of those.
It really just amazes me how God works in the strangest of ways. For example, He uses the Philadelphia Phillies to bring 2 people in different places in there lives together, And without even an awkward moment it turns into one of the most meaningful relationships. In other ways He uses music to connect people, and movies, and hobbies...the list just keeps going. God gives us these people because He knows that without a "family" of believers, without a support group, we would not grow and learn from others experiences. We can all bring so much to the table, that sometimes others can't bring. Its like a big potluck dinner (yes, food reference), everyone brings a different perspective, everyone has their own ideals or ideas to the group and they compliment each other.
I am just incredibly grateful for the friends that God has given me. They have all helped me even without knowing, to be the person that I am today. So i thank all of you for being there for me, and supporting me in everything.
I love you friends.
On a side note....
Can you tell I'm excited?
this is beautiful, and I couldnt agree more. I thank God every day for the people He's brought into my life. Next year is gonna rock with us living together. I'm excited for all the fun times, but I am very excited for us to really be able to edify each other and help each other grow spiritually. we're a lot alike and are great for each other (in a platonic way). I love you man, and am grateful for our friendship. This friendship will last forever, and I say, "BRING IT ON!"
...and oh yeah... GO FLYERS!!!!!!!!!
Alex...love to read your thoughts! Do it more often. And love to get to know your friends a little bit as they hang around you. Be a good friend to them...and kind to the girlfriend who HAS kept you around for more than 10 minutes!!!!
HahaThanks for the shout out Al
i agree with your grandma....i love to read your tho'ts! you are deep! i tend to agree with you that guys relate to each other in different ways than girls do! i really like it!
so glad you and drew are friends! ( and you survived this last year being roommmates! )
HAHA biggles. I try.
Gram- I know...she has stuck around for a while...thankfully. =D
Mama Law- haha it wasnt much to survive...its not like he is a handful. =P Its a good thing we got a suite next year i wouldnt know what to do.
Love your thoughts AND your friends...you certainly do have a potluck of them, and I'm so glad you do!
I'm a little confused as to why "Mike and Chuck" share a blog...a strange little potlucky twist, but I've come to expect such things w/your awesome friends!
Must. Stop. Typing. Song#2 just started, and while I'm so glad that Joel and his friends will not be forsaken or forgotten, their screaming makes me tense.
Love you...thanks for being my mulching partner this week!
haha Mama Hershey, my friend Mike and I do a horror movie blog together. its nothing gay or anything.
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