So, most of you probably know that I have been looking for a job, basically since the world began. And i have really been struggling with trusting God to provide everything that I need...
I know that it is such a stupid thing to not trust the God that created everything, and sent His son to deliver us from sin...In fact...I have tattoos that say Take this Life Make it could I not trust Him?! To be honest...i don't fully know why...I think that i just got so used to things going wrong that I wanted to try and fix them myself instead of looking to God to provide for me. Stupid...just stupid. NEVER TRY TO DO IT ON YOUR OWN!!! IT DOESN'T WORK!!! Ugh...I just can't believe that I have gone this long trying to take the wheel of my life...
This morning I was reading Nehemiah 9...I don't know why...I just flipped past it...and thought maybe it would be a good read...turns out it was. The whole chapter is about everything that God did for the Israelites. They would trust Him...and then they would just go buck wild and forget about the things that He did for them. I feel a little bit like that...And it makes me feel like an idiot. I don't want to be like Israel. Kelly, my wonderful girlfriend, has been telling me all along that I just need to give up. Because I literally suck at running my own life. And she can always tell when I'm trying to...And I love that she really just helps me that someone else can see the difference in me. Kinda just tells me that when I make stupid decisions, it affects other people too.
So if you have been having the same kind of troubles I have, And you find yourself not fully giving yourself to God, go read Nehemiah 9 and try to tell yourself that you don't need to trust Him. It wont work. =D
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010

So its been a while since I have blogged anything...It really takes a special person to sit and blog everyday...and unfortunately I am NOT one of them...
So this week...and for the past 2 semesters at PBU...I have learned a lot about friends...there are good ones, there are bad ones...ones that laugh at funny jokes, and ones that are the funny jokes. (Special shout out to Biggs.) Haha but seriously...there comes a time when all the joking and the hanging out turns into something else. It turns into a tightly knit group of guys that have each others backs, and really would do anything for each other. Now...I'm almost positive that this kind of thing doesn't happen with girls because they can't stay friends for longer than 10 minutes at a time. But there is just something about having those friends that you know that no matter what, you can go to them, and be brutally honest and they will listen, give you feedback, and best of all, still be friends with you, no matter what the circumstances are. I, fortunately, find myself with several of those.
It really just amazes me how God works in the strangest of ways. For example, He uses the Philadelphia Phillies to bring 2 people in different places in there lives together, And without even an awkward moment it turns into one of the most meaningful relationships. In other ways He uses music to connect people, and movies, and hobbies...the list just keeps going. God gives us these people because He knows that without a "family" of believers, without a support group, we would not grow and learn from others experiences. We can all bring so much to the table, that sometimes others can't bring. Its like a big potluck dinner (yes, food reference), everyone brings a different perspective, everyone has their own ideals or ideas to the group and they compliment each other.
I am just incredibly grateful for the friends that God has given me. They have all helped me even without knowing, to be the person that I am today. So i thank all of you for being there for me, and supporting me in everything.
I love you friends.
On a side note....
Can you tell I'm excited?
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
So one week from now...I will be leaving for Israel. Yes...I is freakin' sweet. My whole class of about 15 will be going, including about 20 other people from the Bucks County area. So it will be pretty exciting to share this whole experience with my friends and also some new people.
I don't think I'm going to be able to update the blog from there...i don't know...we'll see. But anyway i think its going to be really exciting to visit the same places where Jesus walked the earth. I know that is such a cliche thing to say...but really, it is going to be amazing. Ill be taking hundreds of pictures so don't worry...ill post them up here when i get back.
It would be very much appreciated if you could pray for our trip...we are all extremely excited, but obviously there are always things going on in the Middle East so anything could happen. I just ask that you would pray that God would open our eyes to all the amazing things we are going to see. Also that we would be reminded of what happened in the land. As Mr. Hardesty would say, "This is where God acted out His drama of redemption". Please just pray that we would all stay healthy as we will be doing TONS of hiking/walking.
Thank you to everyone in advance for praying for us. I can't wait to get back and update everyone about all the things I have learned and seen!
I don't think I'm going to be able to update the blog from there...i don't know...we'll see. But anyway i think its going to be really exciting to visit the same places where Jesus walked the earth. I know that is such a cliche thing to say...but really, it is going to be amazing. Ill be taking hundreds of pictures so don't worry...ill post them up here when i get back.
It would be very much appreciated if you could pray for our trip...we are all extremely excited, but obviously there are always things going on in the Middle East so anything could happen. I just ask that you would pray that God would open our eyes to all the amazing things we are going to see. Also that we would be reminded of what happened in the land. As Mr. Hardesty would say, "This is where God acted out His drama of redemption". Please just pray that we would all stay healthy as we will be doing TONS of hiking/walking.
Thank you to everyone in advance for praying for us. I can't wait to get back and update everyone about all the things I have learned and seen!
wicked sweet
Friday, February 12, 2010
Snow... we got a whole lot of snow here...we didn't have class yesterday or the day before. Now its getting pretty nasty...the snow is getting brown. Ugh, that's the worst part...anyway...
So this week was missions week...and the dude that spoke in chapel on Monday, and was supposed Wednesday too, is a professional photographer/ missionary. His name is Brad what was really sweet about Brad is that he kind of came from a church background when he was younger, but as he grew up he started doing drugs, and was eventually addicted to crack. But on of his friends started ministering to him and he turned his life back around. But anyway so what he does is he goes on missions trips with different organizations and takes pictures of the conditions and the people that they are there to help. I just think that he has maybe one of the coolest jobs in the just goes to show that God can use anyone, no matter what your talents are, no matter what your background, He will use you to accomplish His will.
Anyway i just thought i would share that with you sure to check out Brad Guice's pictures online at this site...
Brad Guice Photography
Hope everyone is safe with all this snow floatin' around. Have a good weekend. =D
So this week was missions week...and the dude that spoke in chapel on Monday, and was supposed Wednesday too, is a professional photographer/ missionary. His name is Brad what was really sweet about Brad is that he kind of came from a church background when he was younger, but as he grew up he started doing drugs, and was eventually addicted to crack. But on of his friends started ministering to him and he turned his life back around. But anyway so what he does is he goes on missions trips with different organizations and takes pictures of the conditions and the people that they are there to help. I just think that he has maybe one of the coolest jobs in the just goes to show that God can use anyone, no matter what your talents are, no matter what your background, He will use you to accomplish His will.
Anyway i just thought i would share that with you sure to check out Brad Guice's pictures online at this site...
Brad Guice Photography
Hope everyone is safe with all this snow floatin' around. Have a good weekend. =D
Friday, February 5, 2010
Hey there...
So today I decided to get a blog. Since I'm on the computer a lot for school anyway I figured it would be easier than a journal. This isn't going to be one of those real in depth type things...just what God is doing in my life and doing through the people around me.
So my roommate, Drew, showed me this video the other day...and i just thought it was amazing...
God of Second Chances
If you listen closely at the end you can hear what the homeless man says:
"Trying to make it? No man. I aint trying to make it, Im making it. Jah puts His soldiers everywhere. Jah says, Yea though you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, So He places some of us, in that valley."
What struck me was that this guy did not want to stop...he wanted to keep on kneeling there and worshiping, he would have been there all day if the song hadn't ended. He is praising God in every situation. I think so many times we forget that our worship needs to go beyond the end of the song, beyond the end of the services on Sunday...Everything that we do should be to worship the One who created us. It doesn't matter what it is, it could be leading a bible study, or just hanging out with a bunch of dudes. Everything you do should be in worship of Him...everything.
In the words of Ross King, "worship is more than a song".
Anyway, that's what I've been thinking about for the past day or so...
So my roommate, Drew, showed me this video the other day...and i just thought it was amazing...
God of Second Chances
If you listen closely at the end you can hear what the homeless man says:
"Trying to make it? No man. I aint trying to make it, Im making it. Jah puts His soldiers everywhere. Jah says, Yea though you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, So He places some of us, in that valley."
What struck me was that this guy did not want to stop...he wanted to keep on kneeling there and worshiping, he would have been there all day if the song hadn't ended. He is praising God in every situation. I think so many times we forget that our worship needs to go beyond the end of the song, beyond the end of the services on Sunday...Everything that we do should be to worship the One who created us. It doesn't matter what it is, it could be leading a bible study, or just hanging out with a bunch of dudes. Everything you do should be in worship of Him...everything.
In the words of Ross King, "worship is more than a song".
Anyway, that's what I've been thinking about for the past day or so...